Update: Stone Survival and Stone Survival: Endurance

I know you’re probably thinking, “Is she ever going to finish this book?”

Well good news, as I told you previously, I finished the first draft of Stone Survival and I am (slowly, but surely) working on rewrites and edits. I lost a couple of months writing time due to physical illness, but I am starting to feel a little stronger and I think I will be able to get back into the swing of things. Also this is the first full length novel I have ever written and it’s been a challenge, but I am slogging along and hope to finish and publish in this lifetime.

Meanwhile, book two in the series is also in progress and I have got to say I am really loving it! I am six chapters in and the story-line is moving well. I haven’t kept the pace I had while writing the first draft of book one, which was a thousand words a day. I’m happy if I get a full sentence done some days, but like I said, the stronger I feel, the more I accomplish.

I am working in a new (to me) writing software called Scrivener. It is awesome, but I have to admit there is a learning curve and I haven’t perfected the use of it yet. I need to make time to watch the training videos again so I can fully utilize this amazing software. Click on the icon to get your 30 day free trial  Scrivener download.



Excuses, excuses, right? Basically, I’m saying don’t give up hope, the books are being written and will be available (relatively) soon.

God bless,
